ACTUAL FOOTAGE Pastor Steven Anderson Beaten & Tased by Border Patrol & DPS

This is the actual footage from Pastor Anderson’s camcorder as well as from the surveillance cameras at the Border Patrol Checkpoint.

Visit Pastor Anderson’s wife’s blog at for updates on the situation.

MORE INFO: /tag/steven-anderson/

Tamiflu Developer: Swine Flu May Have Been Released From A Lab

The World Health Organization is investigating a claim by an Australian researcher that the swine flu virus circling the globe may have been created as a result of human error, Bloomberg repots:

Adrian Gibbs, 75, who collaborated on research that led to the development of Roche Holding AG’s Tamiflu drug, said in an interview that he intends to publish a report suggesting the new strain may have accidentally evolved in eggs scientists use to grow viruses and drugmakers use to make vaccines. Gibbs said he came to his conclusion as part of an effort to trace the virus’s origins by analyzing its genetic blueprint.

Gibbs said in an interview with Bloomberg Television today. “One of the simplest explanations is that it’s a laboratory escape.”

A virus that resulted from lab experimentation or vaccine production may indicate a greater need for security, Fukuda said. By pinpointing the source of the virus, scientists also may better understand the microbe’s potential for spreading and causing illness, Gibbs said.

Unwilling to call it a conspiracy, Gibbs said “It could be a mistake.” Then added, “the sooner we get to grips with where it’s come from, the safer things might become.”

> More Info on PANDEMIC


Some Dare Call it Conspiracy

Our financial crisis is not the result of lax regulations, irrational exuberance or various unintended consequences and sequences of bad luck leading invariably to the same end. It is the work of crooks —real men with real nefarious plans and schemes.

One of these conspirators is Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, who built and ran the elaborate Ponzi scam known asAIG across four decades. Earlier this month he managed time in his schedule to make a personal appearance before a congressional committee. (Last October, at the height of paranoia over the pending collapse of the giant insurer, the 83 year-old Greenberg offered only a doctor’s slip and a prepared statement to the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which had called on him to testify.)

For his actual appearance, Greenberg closed his prepared statement with his quintessential post mortem analysis on the collapse of AIG, “Let me be clear: AIG’s business model did not fail- its management did.”�That would, of course, be management after he was pushed out of the top spot at AIG in 2005 over an accounting fraud scandal.

According to Mr. Greenberg, the company, management team, and corporate culture he built over his 35 year tenure as its leader all suddenly unraveled in the three short years after his inglorious departure. Yes, over a span of less than 36 months, the veneralbe AIG went from a supposed pinnacle of financial stability to a bottomless pit for hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money. This is what Mr. Greenberg, with a straight face, wants people to believe. This is known in the trade as chutzpah.

Greenberg’s claim that he had absolutely no hand in the downfall of AIG is so absurd that even members of the aptly namedOversight Committee had to pretend to be outraged for the folks back home, who are being stuck with the bill. Though he is a racketeer orders of magnitude greater than Bernie Madoff ever dreamed of becoming, to date, Greenberg has had to face no more than a few minutes of stage managed questions before a small panel of Congressmen. No ankle bracelets for him. Roger Clemens took more heat from Congress over his alleged/likely steroid use.

Put that in context. Unless you bought Yankee tickets at a doped-up price during the Clemens-Pettite years, or bet against those two pitchers and lost, what these baseball players did or did not do, cost you nothing. On the other hand, the scam that was AIG, designed by Greenberg and collaborators to end no other way than it has, is going to cost you your share of $200 billion and counting… actually, more than your share if you work for a living and don’t run in the same crowd of teflon suited financial crime dons as Mr. Greenberg. These guys have long since pulled their winnings off their rigged tables and placed them seemingly out of the reach of us, their hapless marks.

Mr. Greenberg and his co-conspirators appear to be sitting pretty. Their scam is big enough and deep enough into the world’s financial establishment that they can afford to underwrite a controlling interest in the U.S. Congress and the ultimate silence that brings. To be sure, they still have to consider the double crossing and backstabbing that is a constant and significant probability among their type, but at the moment they appear to be untouchable… or, at least not at any position of risk than can’t be offset by a few opportune suicides.

As grim as it looks for meting out justice to the likes of Mr. Greenberg and his business partners at the moment, there are some things hapless marks can yet do to up the stakes. Number one is to start referring to the likes of Mr. Greenberg and his collaborators as suspected criminals that need to subpoenaed and brought before a federal grand jury investigation.

Number two is to damn the inevitable smears that will be headed your way and start naming names like The John Birch Society has been doing for over 50 years. There are real people running enterprises like AIG, Goldman Sachs, and the Federal Reserve. They meet. They conspire. They use their corporate press organs to pass themselves off as reputable businesses and make pronouncements that they are not conspirators because, trust us, everything we do, every nest egg we crack to make our signature designer omletes, is done with the best interests of the humankind in mind. (I really don’t make this up. That’s a synopsis of how uber conspirator and Greenberg pal David Rockefeller justifies his back room deals in his autobiography.)

At age 83, the mobsters Mr. Greenberg has been running with like David Rockefeller and Sith Lord Henry Kissinger are getting way long in the tooth, but they still wield considerable influence. The best extended listing of names for crime bosses, who were in their prime during the Greenberg era, can be found in the Birch Society commissioned book, Shadows of Power, an expose ofThe Council of Foreign Relations by James Perloff. This is the must read book if are serious about understanding what is going on in Washington and on Wall Street. We can’t easily pursue the solution until more learn what the problem is. Buy and read this book!

Once you are familiar with some crime boss names and who-knows-who’s you can better avoid being duped. A quick case study in point:

The Peter G. Peterson Foundation is bankrolled by, as you can imagine, Peter G. Peterson. Mr. Peterson is co-founder of the Kissinger aligned Blackstone Group and Chairman Emeritus of the Council of Foreign Relations. That would be the same Blackstone group that has undoubtably had AIG counter party bailout money funneled to it and the same Council of Foreign Relations that Maurice “Hank” Greenberg sits on the board of directors of. These guys talk. A person who does not believe this has serious issues with denial and should seek counseling that we can’t provide here.

Knowing that Mr. Peterson has spent a career working business deals with scam artists like Mr. Greenberg, might you be advised to be at least a little suspicious of the ulterior motives behind campaigns being promoted the Peter G. Peterson Foundation? That is, should you trust that those trying to educate americans by producing movies like IOUSA, are going to offer the right solutions for the right problems? With just a bit of confidence, let’s suggest that Peterson’s IOUSA push is simply an effort to divert attention from the real culprits behind our financial debacle.

Check for yourself. Search Peterson’s site(s) for any critical mentions of the counterfeiting conspiracy that is the Federal Reserve System. That would be the FED, the same outfit pumping money (sic: future taxpayer obligations) into the AIG conduit that is now, under who knows how many secret U.S. Treasury programs, routing funds to disreputable counter parties all over the world.

Let us save you the effort. You are going to draw a blank on your search. Peterson, the head of the New York FED, controlling arm of the Federal Reserve System, from 2002 to 2004 is not going to spend a dime of his (stolen) billion dollars he has pledged towards his campaign to educate the American people on the “true” nature of our financial condition.

Even though the PGP Foundation is run by David Walker, the former Comptroller General of the United States and head of the Government Accounting Office (GAO), Peterson’s outfit is going to be the last place you see a call to audit the FED, let alone a call to End the FED conspiracy outright. No, the honorable(sic) Mr. Walker, a career accounting professional, is asking us to focusonly on the debt side of our nation’s financial ledger and totally ignore whatever is supposedly on the asset side controlled by the Federal Reserve. That’s some real honest accounting there

Mr. Walker must have picked that trick up during his years as a partner and global managing director of Arthur Andersen LLPbefore the firm crashed and burned in the Enron scandal. His sleight of hand accounting also probably comes in handy in his current post as chairman of the United Nations Independent Audit Advisory Committee (UNIAAC). There’s a guy I would trust.

The bottom line: Our county is being run by gangsters. The sooner you dare to call it a a conspiracy, the sooner it will all start to make sense.

Conservative Judge Andrew Napolitano: Bush Is a Felon

Conservative Fox News Commentator and former district judge Andrew Napolitano said President George W. Bush is likely a felon in a May 8 broadcast over the Fox News Network. The criticism comes as the first nationally televised criminal accusation from both a prominent conservative as well as from a veteran judge.

Napolitano cited a May 4 New York Times report that President Bush personally authorized nine torture techniques to be used on detainees after both the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that detainees are entitled to Prisoner of War status and Bush himself signed into law a bill authored by Republican Senator John McCain that banned all nine torture techniques by name. Napolitano said he had independent confirmation from a “neutral” source that the New York Timesreport was accurate.


“If the New York Times article is accurate,” Napolitano said, “that would mean that the President of the United States of America committed a felony for each act of torture he authorized and which was carried out after the Supreme Court ruling or after he signed the McCain bill into law.”

A media furor ensued after the April release of Justice Department legal memoranda (i.e., the“torture memos”). The memoranda excused waterboarding (which the United States government judged a “war crime” when Japanese soldiers conducted it against Americans during the Second World War) and nine other torture techniques. The theme of the memoranda can be summed up as follows: it is okay for U.S. interrogators to inflict as excruciating pain as possible upon those they are questioning, so long as they don’t leave a permanent mark.

Napolitano is non-plussed about the 60 percent of Americans who now believe the Bush administration engaged in torture even though less than a majority of Americans support criminal charges. It’s not about the numbers, Napolitano argues:

Is it right, is it proper, for the Obama Administration to prosecute someone in the Bush administration for doing what they thought was right. My answer is: Yes! We are a nation of laws and not of men. And when people break the law, no matter what their motivation is, they should be prosecuted… Is the motivation a defense to law-breaking? It is not.

Napolitano is simply ahead of the curve. While many self-professed conservatives backed the Bush administration’s use against torture, it’s only a matter of time before the more unsavory use of torture against innocent detainees becomes more widely known (click here, here, and here for a few of the many examples). Even if their hearts are not rendered by the price innocent men have paid for torture under the Bush administration, their heads will eventually be swayed by the recent efforts by the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security to label all conservatives and military veterans as terrorist suspects. The power to torture terrorism suspects without trial is simply too dangerous a power to be left in the hands of the Obama administration or any other government official, which explains why the Founding Fathers banned “cruel and unusual punishments” in the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


Fed Moves to Control All the Water in the US

Democrats aim to control every drop of water in the country, under the guise of dealing with pollution. A bill to “clarify the jurisdiction of the United States over waters of the United States” has been introduced in the Senate — S.787, the Clean Water Restoration Act. To read the text of this bill, we recommend using the Open Congress version, which allows you to post citizen comments. Alternatively, the Library of Congress copy is here.

The bill was introduced by Sen. Russell Feingold (D-WI). His remarks before the Senate on the occasion of introducing the bill are here. Draconian interpretation of government control of US waters in the earlier Clean Water Act had been somewhat limited by Supreme Court decisions. In his opening statement, Feingold made it clear that his purpose was to recover the Orwellian power that had been impaired by the judiciary by means of legislation:

Mr. President, today I am introducing legislation to restore Clean Water Act protections for the same waters that were covered by the Act prior to two recent divisive U.S. Supreme Court decisions.

Here is an enumeration of the waters included:

WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES- The term ‘waters of the United States’ means all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide, the territorial seas, and all interstate and intrastate waters and their tributaries, including lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, natural ponds, and all impoundments of the foregoing, to the fullest extent that these waters, or activities affecting these waters, are subject to the legislative power of Congress under the Constitution.

Congress justifies its power to meddle in every aspect of American life through the “commerce clause” in the US Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3):

The Congress shall have Power … To regulate Commerce … among the several States….

The founding fathers only intended that Congress should provide a level playing field for interactions between and among the states. In stark contrast to this original intention stands the extension of “waters” to include “all … intrastate waters and their tributaries.” The language of this bill enables Congress to come onto a private family farm and dictate what a farmer can do with his duck pond, or even with his cistern, which might conceivably be emptied into a ditch that might eventually flow into an intermittent stream!

In short, Congress has the power to prevent any citizen from relying on natural sources of drinking, cooking, and bathing water, and water to sustain a home garden. This legislation, combined with the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, means that every United States citizen may only eat and drink at the pleasure of the government.

Of course, most “reasonable” folk will assume that, although the government has this stranglehold on our lives, it will not actually be used for such a purpose. As German history shows, the extent of governmental social engineering depends on who is in power. Recall that Hitler was elected, and for a time, very popular. The more fundamental question is whether we are willing to give government such power over us, in the naive expectation that a government proven incapable of protecting us against food-borne salmonella can provide us with adequate food and water safety. Do we want to take responsibility for assuring our food and water safety ourselves, as informed consumers, or do we want to trust a failed bureaucracy to protect us, at the sacrifice of our fundamental freedom?


Who Wants the U.S. to Get LOST?

The Death of the Dollar?

First, let me start with a few basic economic terms to get everyone on the same page:

inflation: a persistent, substantial rise in the general level of prices related to an increase in the volume of money and resulting in the loss of value of currency

hyper inflation: extreme or excessive inflation

stagflation: sluggish economic growth coupled with a high rate of inflation and unemployment.

Now, let’s get into what’s killing the dollar…

It took over 200 years for the United States’ monetary base to reach $800 billion, but by late 2008 it doubled to well over $1.6 trillion – which was twice the amount of paper dollars that were in existence in the summer of 2007!

We were told that all of this money was necessary as an injection into the banking system, so as to keep the banks open and loaning. Yet, only a small amount of all that extra currency shown above has made its way to the banking system and into circulation. But when it does, inflation will inevitably follow (i.e. more dollars in a system means that each dollar is worth less). This is bad news for anyone holding dollars, but precious metals will likely maintain their value.

As can be seen from the chart below, we are printing an unprecedented amount of money and injecting it into the system which – when paired with the mounting unemployment rate – will invariably lead to a “misery index” even Jimmy Carter couldn’t ignore.

(Click to enlarge)
Now, here is the same chart, but through 2008. You can’t even see the $8 billion Savings and Loan Crisis spike anymore!

(Click to enlarge)
At the end of 2007, the Federal Reserve had loaned out roughly $800 billion. By the end of 2008, the Fed gave out $2.2 trillion.

And this is before Obama took office! Compound all of this with Obama’s proposed budget:

Then, add all of that to the current $11.2 trillion dollar national debt, and tell me… what do you think is going to happen to the dollar?

Here’s a hint: See what Germany was up to… oh around 1923… and then you might have some sense of what lies ahead for America if our government does not curtail it’s printing and spending of American currency.

Time magazine reported last week that billions of dollars worth of SDRs (Special Drawing Rights — another name for the ‘Bancor’) are being issued by the IMF to officially displace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, just like ‘Creature From Jekyll Island‘ predicted. they argue that if 16 countries can use the same currency, why not 192?

Of course, Time thinks it’s a good idea. So does China, Obama and Geithner. In late March, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sent the dollar tumbling when he said he was “actually quite open” to China’s proposal for a greater role for SDRs. The dollar lost 1.3% against the euro within 10 minutes of Geithner’s unexpected comment.

The US dollar is China’s lover but now she wants another. This is yet another reason we can expect to see hyperinflation, as China decouples form the USD those now “worth-less” dollars will start returning to the US. Get ready to pay more for everything.

See pictures of the dangers of printing money.