What the Bible teaches about Satan may surprise you

In the Bible, satan is used as an Adversary and in the first usage it is God who sends his angel to be the satan (adversary). The truth is that in Hebrew the word “satan” is not a proper noun, any more than the usage of the word “lucifer” is a proper noun. There is no mystical Lucifer who rebelled against God and any one who has truly studied the etymology of the word would know this…

In Num. 22:22 which tells how an Angel (described as ‘the satan’ or adversary) is dispatched to deal with Balaam the rebellious prophet. It describes how an Angel of God stood in a narrow, walled path before Balaam, so that his donkey fell down beneath him. In consider how Job comments that his sufferings which ‘the satan’ brought upon him was God ‘walling up my way that I cannot pass’ (Job 19:8). The connection is clear – and surely indicates that Job’s satan was an Angel. This satan-Angel was acting as an adversary to Job just as such an Angel did to Balaam. Job and Balaam have many such similarities – both were prophets, both had genuine difficulty in understanding God’s ways, but they to varying degrees consciously rebelled against what they failed to understand; both thus became angry with God (in the Angel), and were reproved by God.

In that oldest of Hebrew poetry ‘the LORD’ asks ‘the Satan’ where he came from. Here is the Young’s Literal Translation: “And Jehovah saith unto the Adversary, ‘Whence camest thou?’ And the Adversary answereth Jehovah and saith, ‘From going to and fro in the land, and from walking up and down in it.’”

Yhovah (yeh-ho-vaw’) = (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God — Jehovah, the LORD. To learn more, read this and this.

Satan (saw-tawn’) = an opponent; especially (with the article prefixed) Satan, the arch-enemy of good — adversary. To learn more, read this.

Harry Torczyner (author of ‘The Book Of Job’ Kiryat-Sefer, 1981) interprets ‘the Satan’ as being in God’s service, and not in opposition to Him: “The figure and role of the Satan derives from the Persian secret service… We now understand that there are in God’s service, as in that of any earthly king, secret roving officials, who go and come and report to him on the doings of his subjects.”

The references to ‘wandering about on the face of the earth’ have great similarities with the language used to describe the Persian empire’s spies, called “The King’s Eye”- a kind of agent of the King who wandered around picking up information and reporting back to him. But of course, “The King’s Eye” was on the King’s side and not working against him! Satan’s walking / running “to and fro in the earth / land” and reporting back to God about an individual is thus very much taken from the Persian idea of the King’s “evil eye”, “the eye of the King”, a kind of agent provocateur, a secret police-type agent, travelling around the Kingdom and reporting back to the King about suspect individuals.

It also has an evident connection with the Zechariah passages which speaks of the Angels in the time of the exile and restoration from Persia “running to and fro in the earth” on God’s behalf (Zech. 1:10,11; 4:10). The implication of course was that God and His Angels, and not the Persian King and his agents, were the ones really in control of the land. It’s maybe significant that the Septuagint translates “going to and fro” in Job 1:7 with the word -peripatei- and we find the same word in 1 Pet. 5:8 about the adversary of the early Christians ‘going about’ seeking them – a reference to the agents of the Roman and Jewish systems.

Much of the Hebrew Bible was rewritten in Babylon, to bring out relevant issues for the Jewish exiles. This includes the book of Job. It can be understood as an allegory – Job, the suffering servant of the Lord, thus becomes a type of Israel.

In Job 2:5 the satan asks God: “Put forth Thine hand” . The hand of God is a phrase often used concerning what God did through the Angels. God agrees- ” he is in thine hand” (v.6). Thus satan’s hand is God’s hand, which is an Angel. This is proof enough that satan is not in any way against God- they work together.

If the satan refers to a righteous Angel, it is likewise easier to understand why all the problems which the satan brought are described as God bringing them (especially as Job may have conceived of God in terms of an Angel). It is also understandable why there is no rebuke of the satan at the end.

Is there a powerful person in the Universe called Satan who is the arch-enemy of God? While most Christians accept this without question, based on this passage in Job there is much room for doubt. It has been said, “If God did not chain up the roaring lion, how soon would he devour us!” Well, on second thought, maybe not. It seem more correct to say, God does both good and evil in the world and he often uses agents, somethimes those agents are men, and sometimes those agents are his angles.

The Modern Lucifer Meme is Extra Biblical


Zechariah 3:1–”And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and ha-satan standing at his right hand to resist him.” This reading has since been erroneously interpreted by some to mean Satan, “the Devil”, but such is not the case. Here again we see “ha-satan” as an angel ministering to the desires of God, acting as Chief Prosecutor.

The ‘Devil’ meme remains an unexamined assumption in much of Christianity, and in most societies and religions. The presence of unexamined assumptions in our lives and hearts, as well as in societies, ought to be a red flag. Why, in this age of apparently fearless examination, eager toppling of paradigms, deconstruction of just about everything, rigorous research, trashing of tradition, brutal testing of assumptions… does the Devil idea remain an unexamined assumption?

I suggest it’s because to reject that tradition of a personal Satan and get down to living out the Biblical position on the Devil demands just too much. It’s hard to accept all negative experience in life as ultimately allowed and even sent by a loving God, it’s humiliating to realize we’re only naive children, whose view of good and evil isn’t fully that of our Father; and it’s the call of a lifetime to recognize that our own personal, natural passions and desires are in fact the great Satan / adversary.

Isaiah 14: 12-14: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Early Christian tradition interpreted the passage as a reference to the moment Satan was thrown from Heaven. This view was popularized by John Milton in his epic “Paradise Lost” and so the term “Lucifer” became another name for Satan and has remained so due to Christian dogma and popular tradition to this day.

First, the passage expressly refers to a “king of Babylon”, a “man” who seemed all-powerful, but who has been brought low. Second, it should be pointed out that the words ‘devil’, ‘satan’ and ‘angel’ never occur in this chapter. This is the only place in Scripture where the word ‘Lucifer’ occurs. Thirdly, why is Lucifer punished for saying, “I will ascend into heaven” (v. 13), if he was already there?

It should be noted that the idea of ‘morning star’ is translated ‘Lucifer’ in the Vulgate [Latin] translation of the Bible made by Jerome. Significantly, he uses ‘Lucifer’ as a description of Christ, as the ‘morning star’ mentioned in Revelation. Indeed, some early Christians took the name ‘Lucifer’ as a ‘Christian name’ in order to identify themselves with Jesus (1). It wasn’t until Origen (circa 200 A.D.) that the term ‘Lucifer’ took on any connotation of ‘Satan’ or a force of evil. ‘Lucifer’ in its strict meaning of ‘bearer of the light’ actually was applied in a positive sense to Christian communities, e.g. the followers of Lucifer of Cagliari were called ‘Luciferians’. As an aside, it’s worth pointing out that they were one of the groups who insisted that the devil was not a personal being and held to the original Biblical picture of sin and the devil being one and the same.

Isaiah 14 is a proverb (parable) against the king of Babylon, the star represents the king’s royal majesty. Daniel chapter 4 explains how Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, proudly surveyed the great kingdom he had built up, thinking that he had conquered other nations in his own strength, rather than recognizing that God had given him success. “Thy greatness (pride) is grown, and reacheth unto heaven” (v.22). Because of this the king was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles feathers, and his nails like birds claws (v. 33). This sudden humbling of one of the world’s most powerful men to a deranged lunatic was such a dramatic event as to call for the parable about the falling of the morning star from heaven to earth. Stars are symbolic of powerful people, e.g. Genesis 37: 9; Isaiah 13:10 (concerning the leaders of Babylon); Ezekiel 32: 7 (concerning the leaders of Egypt); Daniel 8:10, cp. v. 24. Ascending to heaven and falling from heaven are Biblical idioms often used for increasing in pride and being humbled respectively – see Job 20: 6; Jeremiah 51:53 ( about Babylon); we even find this in the New Testament, Matthew 11:23 (about Capernaum): “Thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell”(the grave).

There’s a good reason why the King of Babylon is described as “the morning star”, or Venus. The Babylonians believed that their king was the child of their gods Bel and Ishtar, both of whom were associated with the planets- they thought that their King was the planet Venus.

In conclusion, it was not until post-Biblical times that Lucifer was associated with Satan, or that Satan was thought to have been cast out of heaven before the creation of Adam and Eve, or that Satan had some connection with Adam and Eve. All these ideas may be mainstream Christian memes today but, in fact, they were not shared by the Hebrews who wrote the Bible.

Jerusalem, Ancient Egyptians, & the All Seeing Eye

In the name Heru lies the origins of the name Jesus. Heru or the Greek Horus was converted to Huious (also Greek) which was eventually converted to Jesus (Prounounced Hey-Zus) in Latin and eventually was converted to Jesus (as in Geez-Us) in English. Jerusalem is a composite Kemetic and Hebrew word (Heru-SALEM) meaning Heru’s City of Peace. This dates back to the time of Amen Hotep III father of Akhenaton who ruled this area while on the throne of Egypt. In Latin J actually has an ‘H’ sound, in time Heru-Salem or Heru Salaam became Jerusalem.

EnhancedDollarHeru, Freemasons, and the Great Seal

The “All Seeing Eye” is the symbol of Heru who we today call Jesus. Anthony Browder in his book titled, “Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization stated, ”The pyramid and the eye above it (which represents the eye of Heru-the son of God) clearly establishes an Egyptian link with the reverse of the Great Seal. The obverse of this seal is strikingly similar to the Nile Valley image of Heru, and the differences represent the cultural nuances which were unique to the United States. Above the eagle’s head are 13 stars which arranged in the form of the Magen David, which is also called the Seal of Solomon. This is an ancient symbol that predates Judaism and represents two pyramids. The two pyramids symbolize the two pillars of Solomon, which play significant role in ritualistic masonry.
(Reference: Anthony T. Browder: “Nile Valley Contribution to Civilization” pg. 203).

Ancient Egyptians Believed in One God

The term ‘Neteru’ means the “Attributes of God” as understood by those of Kemet (i.el, the Ancient Egyptians). The neteru who were called “gods” by some, were endorsed and incorporated into Christianity under a new name, “angels”. The ancient Egyptian word “neter,” and its feminine form “netert,” have been wrongly, and possible intentionally, translated as “god” and “goddess,” by almost all scholars. There is no equivalent word in meaning, to the word “neter,” in the English language. Honest translation should use the native word, if they cannot find its equivalent in their language. “Neteroo” (plural of “neter/netert”) are the Divine Principles and Functions that operate the Universe. They are all aspects and functions of the One Supreme God. The words “god” and “goddess” leave the impression that ancient Egyptians had a multitude of gods, which is absolutely untrue. An Egyptian neter/netert was not a god/goddess but the personification of a function/attribute of the One God.

Simply when reading of Osiris and Horus and Isis as well as other “neteru” or “gods of Egypt” we are not speaking of “literal historical people” or actual “competitive gods of the One God” but Divine Concepts that operate in this One God that are very real that are later personified by the Egyptian Spiritual Masters to help mankind better understand and relate to his God and Creator.

This concept is copied in the trinity of the Christian faith and few know it. This explains why “pagan” nation after nation express these same “Divine Concepts” under different names and we ridicule them as “stupid” when a proper understanding of this Divine expressed in these concepts is absolutely breathtaking when you see them as they were understood by the Ancients. Our blindness today is due to Rome who burned the worlds libraries and murdered millions to cover up the fact that their “literalization” of these “allegorical expressions of God” was a lie. They basically “literalized” the Christ within as a historical “god-man” whom we know today as “Jesus” to give validity to their Emperor as the Roman “god-man”. Today we don’t know this when reading accounts of a “literal” and a “supposed historical Jesus” but in fact the “Christ” was always real…but not a historical person but rather “persons” for God’s Christ dwells within us all as does this God Whom we love and Whom Manifests Himself as Osiris, Isis, Horus, etc. When we speak of “resurrection from the dead” we speak of the reality of Osiris. It is but a picture expressing a holy and Divine concept which tragically down through history lost its true meaning and today as Christians we truly look through a glass darkly. Tragically the Christians of todays have lost the true “gnosis” behind these concepts, we are the one’s who live in a dark age and have been for over 2000 years now.

I’m assuming you all know the story of Ausar, Auset and Heru. But briefly, the God Ausar and the Goddess Auset were King and Queen in Kamet. Their brother, the God Set was jealous of Ausar and murdered Him. He took Ausar’s body and threw it in the river. Auset was then removed from power and Set took over the rule of the country, reigning as a tyrant. Auset searched tirelessly for the body of Her Husband. When She found Him She performed ritual. Through ritual, the Spirit of the God Ausar came to Auset, and through Their Divine spiritual union Auset became pregnant with Heru.

Of course, this is the origin of the story of Auset Merit (Mary) being impregnated by the Holy Spirit of God the Father (Ausar) and conceiving the Son of God (Khensu/Hesus/Jesus). Auset was told by Tehuti (the God of Wisdom) that Heru would grow strong and defeat the rule of Set. Tehuti then directed Auset to hide in the swamps of North Kamet to raise the child in secret. Set (the red-evil one) was corrupted into Set-an (or Satan), the red devil (read more here). He sought to kill Heru, because he knew of the prophecy that Heru would grow to defeat Him and restore the kingdom of His Father Ausar. This is the origin of mary going to northern egypt with “jesus” to avoid the wrath of the evil king who sought to kill all newborn boys. It is also the origin of the ‘angel’ gabriel coming to mary and telling her that she would give birth to the sun/son of god. These stories have been told in many ways and in many cultures (like Babylon) before they become the Bible stories we were taught in Sunday School.

Yes, You are God.

We are constantly making the devil (Set) whenever we feed and nourish our lower selves (lower chakras) and animal appetites. When we allow our egos to rule, instead of bringing our egos into submission to the indwelling divinity (God). This is the fight between Ausar and Set (Luke Skywalker and Dark Vader).

Heru/Horus (Heart Consciousness) is key to the Ausarian/Osiris (the father-our higher Divine God self) resurrection metaphor, wherein Heru (Christ Hero) is seen as the son (Sun), the hero figure, who reclaims his father’s throne which has been usurped by Osiris/Ausar’s evil brother SETH (ego/lower human self). Heru re-establishes the kingdom of God (our real self) both within and without, by aligning his lower self with his Higher God-self.

A sense of being a separate (ego) is the fundamental illusion that distorts our perception of “reality”. In ancient Kemet, as well as in many ‘holy’ books (Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita) teach that the Self is Consciousness, and that this Consciousness is both within and without. The message here is that there is only One “thing” in all that is real and that One is Brahman…God (our real selves). Even the Self (atman in Sanskrit), is Brahman (the Divine). That which is within, atman, is also that which is without, Brahman. Brahman is pure and perfect Consciousness. We perceive the illusion (maya) of separation from God/Brahman (The Divine Self/our real self) only because of our Ignorance of Self (atman).

One day we must realize our fight has never been against Satan or his followers [the ego-driven Anglo/American NWO]… the battle has only ever been about the resurrection of Ausar, and finding our Our True Self so we can achieve Self Mastery.

Law of Ausar

Your nature is unconquerable peace, therefore nothing or no one in the world can be against you. All experiences come to you to promote your reclamation of peace, that you may in turn acquire wisdom and spiritual power.